Friday, 29 May 2009

PHP TestFest - one more month to go!

Groups from all over the world have contributed 554 new tests for PHP since April 1st 2009. Of these, 327 have already been moved into PHP's CVS (thanks Felipe!). The results of running tests on a Linux 32 bit platform can be seen here (sorry about the colour scheme), the user groups who have contributed are also listed. We also run the tests on a 64 bit Linux platform here, but this only runs PHP5.3 and PHP5.2.

I also ran some coverage tests recently to try and work out how much of a difference we were making overall. This turned out to be far more problematic than I had thought it would be. The main issue was one that Felix had already found, ccache and lcov do not coexist happily. It turns out that there is a check for this in the php configure script - but unfortunately the debian way of installing ccache is simply to link it to gcc, which by-passes the check in configure. Oh well.

The before TestFest coverage data shows an overall line coverage of 70.4%, a run from the 28th May shows a line coverage of 72.3% in total. There are minor differences in the number of lines but I think this is to be expected. It's interesting to look at the areas where I know groups have been concentrating their efforts - for example the line coverage of ext/ldap has increased 8.5% to 89.1%! Check curl, date, dom, ftp, gettext, intl, posix, reflection, sockets, spl, sqlite3, xmlwriter and xsl for other TestFest related increases in coverage.

I'll rerun the coverage tests regularly in future. I should perhaps mention that I know that ext/imap statistics are missing and that's because we don't yet have the ability to run the ext/imap tests on the system that is being used for TestFest. I will fix this in the next week or so - if you see anything else that doesn't look right please email me and I'll fix it, or better still, email :-)

Thursday, 7 May 2009

PHP TestFest ramps up!

It feels like a long time since we started on this road in February 2009. So much has happened since then ... and now we are two days away from the 9th May when several European groups will run events.

We have 22 groups registered in all, Munich and Quebec have already run successful events.

As tests are written they are being checked into a subversion repository - local organisers have admin rights and can add users from their groups. Once every hour we check tests out SVN and run them using PHP52, 53 and 6. The results are displayed here

It's great to see user groups helping out with PHP development in this way - I'm just amazed and humbled by the enthusiasm and talent of PHP users.

I also want to thank our sponsors, although I'm not even sure that I know who all of them are :-). The ones I do know are Microsoft (who are making office space available and providing access to Windows machines), IBM (also making office space available and of course allowing me some time to work on this), and Ibuildings. Ibuildings are a major sponsor in Europe, they are buying lunch for the PHP NorthWest group, they have funded some cute PHP TestFest mugs for the London group...and much more. At the end of TestFest I'd like to do a round up of every company who helped us - so if you are sponsoring something, don't be shy, let me know!

From now until the end of June the user groups will be writing tests, after that we'll count up and commit tests in PHPs CVS - I have strong feeling that this year's test fest is going to be a massive success!