Monday, 6 April 2009


Last Saturday Robin, Ant and I went to London to the SAP Inside Track. We had an amazing day on so many levels! Ant had prepared a demo showing how to use the PHP implementation in WebSphere sMash to access data from SAP, but as we went up to London on 06:18 (!) train we really had very little idea what to expect.

The meeting got under way in the usual unconference style with attendees choosing the talks. Two things became clear pretty quickly, this was an incredibly interesting group of people and they had some very cool stuff to talk about. Dennis Howlett made a short video of the attendees which nicely captures spirit of the event.

Ant and Robin did a great demo of sMash, Dennis Howlett made another short video interview with Robin. Ant spent the whole of the lunch time having an intensive SAP lesson from Gregor Wolf - Ant is now officially our SAP expert!

I learnt a huge amount (I know a lot more about SAP than I did) I particularly enjoyed the talk about ESME by Darren Hague. ESME is a twitter-like project but designed with business applications in mind - I can see a lot of potential here.

All in all - it was a great day and I'm looking forward to the next SAP event.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

PHP TestFest 2009 Kicks Off

So here we are at the beginning of the 2009 TestFest. There are currently 16 PHP user groups intending to participate, these are pretty widely distributed from Brazil, the USA and Europe.

The test repository is open for submissions to registered groups from today (see here and here for information and instructions. Join the freenode #phptestfest IRC channel and follow phptestfest on twitter.

Let's go!